Day 3 Cambridge
Day 3 Cambridge
When: Sunday 24 July
Where: Cambridge
Weather: Sunny and warm. 29c
What: day trip to Cambridge by train
Who: Ken, Liv, Lachlan, Findley, Rhonda, and a bunch of Cambridge book club members, and spouses, and kids, who were all just awesome!
Workout: nope
Walking: 10.27 kms and then ended up here. Is that a good thing?
Wine: sauvignon blanc from New Zealand
Whine: kings cross is just a bit chaotic.
Whisky: lots of discussion but no actual drinking
Wtf: Tourists that hire a punt and have no clue how to use them. We hired a driver (punter?)
Wild: narrow single lane roads with 60 mph speed limit!
Wildlife: Canada geese
Water: the river/canal in Cambridge
Wonderful: Ken and Liv and their Scottish/English/Canadian hospitality.
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