Days 39 to 43 New York
Days 39 to 43 New York When: 28 August to 1 September Where: New York City and Berkshires, Massachusetts. Weather: Very warm, but beginning to cool down a bit. What: Touring New York, visiting with friends and family. Who: Don, Judy, Mae, Brian, Nicholas, Alyssa, Jonathon, Hildi, and Walter. Also, some fabulous drag queens: Workout: smaller gym in the hotel. Walking: lots in New York City. Sunday 20.29, Monday 10.88, Tuesday 7.76 km, Wednesday 3.95 km. Wine: Sauvignon Blanc and AlbariƱo. We introduced Hildi to AlbariƱo and I think she now has a new favourite white wine! Whine: Our holiday is coming to an end. Brent: its so humid! Whisky: None except what we'll declare at the border Wtf: The Plaza (which is not inexpensive) charged us $19.38 to have a kettle in our room! Wild: We thought we would be spending time only in New York State. But we stayed in Massachusetts and had dinner in Co...